How to make a Woman Fall in love with you on Facebook

This is the best movie ever

This is the very first post i am going to make on this blog and it is meant for the guys out there. (ladies, i am letting the guys know these secrets because it will invariably increase our chances of dating, and correct the wrong impression and method men use to ask a lady out.) Many guys end up having their messages ignored by the ladies especially on facebook and this is not because such guys are not cute. I am going to be sharing somethings guys do that gets the girl immediately irritated and how to make them fall in love with you.
facebook love
How to make a girl fall in love with you on facebook

Read more after the break

Secret 1 - Do not send her your nudes almost immediately

Many guys have the habit of sending a girl they hardly know their nudes on facebook. This trick works on some girls but 95% of the time is doomed to fail and get the girls instantly irritated with you and this will make her not want to hear from you anymore as she feels she has already percieved the kind of man you are (naughty and a flirt).

This situation alone will leave the guy hanging there, sending tons of other messages to her but not recieving any reply because the girl is irritated.
There is a time for evverything,just calm your nerves down and chat her up first. Ladies find it difficult to get comfortable with just any man , the only way to speed up that process is to show her you really want her and you are reliable i.e win their trust, and gbam!!! She will be the one asking for your nudes, and then you will smile and come share your testimonies here, because i am most certainly waiting for it.

Secret 2 - Take the chat slowly

Yes, at this point , i am very sure you will already be restive and wanting to just go straight to the point. No, be patient. Ask herabout her day, her likes and dislikes, her siblings, job( if she has one), and any other question you know could probably make her know you really care. Keep a tab about the things she will tell you and get more questions from there. This drags her closer to you.

Step 3- Do NOT Collect her number from her profile to call her

This should only be done if she tells you to, if not, gently ask her for her number , she should send it to you directly or permit ou to take it off her wall. This gives you class in her eyes, and you really need it to create a good image for her to fall in love with.
Part 2 of this article will be uploaded in a short while, meanwhile, do share this article with your friends, (male & female) ,your groups and pages, and tell someone about this blog.
Much Love!!!!..........Miss Anonymous



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